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Rewild Your Soul

Reconnecting you with nature and yourself

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Hello and welcome

Welcome to Rewild Your Soul, I am so happy that you are here!


I am Sarah Vaughan, Holistic Eco therapist and spiritual, intuitive healer.


I am a qualified women's health reflexologist, reiki practitioner, coach/teacher and eco therapist working as much as possible in and with nature.


I believe that in the modern world we have lost our deep, instinctive connection to nature, and so we have lost connection to ourselves. This has led to us becoming disempowered, not trusting in ourselves and caused us to become unwell in so many ways.


Nature is life, nature is energy, nature is abundant and nature heals us. I am here to support you to reconnect with nature and yourself and ultimately improve your health and wellbeing.


I love to be creative and I love to be of service, so please explore my website to see how I could help you.



Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Why Nature?

It can help with

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Our connection with nature can quickly and effectively boost our happiness and sense of wellbeing. We are nature.

Lower blood pressure

Research shows that being in nature, especially amongst trees, lowers our blood pressure.

Boosting immunity

Sunlight on the skin helps our bodies to produce vitamin D, which boosts the immune system and keeps our bones healthy.

Women's Health

Being aware of what is going on with our own bodies and hormones, regardless of our stage of life, is so important and helpful. I can support if your are trying to start a family, having IVF or experiencing perimenopause.


The light that enters our eyes helps to regulate our circadian rhythm giving us better sleep patterns


Being in nature even for 20 minutes reduces stress levels in the body. Moving in nature is even more effective at lowering stress.


“It made me realise how transformative nature is, and how much I rely on nature for healing."

Eco therapy client

How can I help you?

Click on the titles below to discover the many different ways we can work together.


Your Wellbeing Starts Here

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